This project was done my junior year in Production Design and involved creating or adding to an ad campaign that we were passionate about. I immediately thought of Uninterrupted’s “More than an Athlete” campaign that Lebron James and Nike contributed to in collaboration for making it publicly aware of what athletes go through as being people and not just athletes. Since the beginning of the campaign, the movement? Has also been made into a Hulu documentary series focusing on James and his friends’ journey growing up in Akron, Ohio. This was prompted when James was told publicly on a nationwide sportscast to just “Shut up and dribble” given his public voice over social media that he shares time to time again regarding politics. I personalized and added to this campaign by reaching out to current teammates at the time to send me a person or part of their life that was significant to them outside of sports. This was a project done primarily in photoshop as well as using the public access gallery for the University of Mississippi athletics.